
Teeth becoming see through
Teeth becoming see through

Acidic reflux: As mentioned above, an oral cavity with an acidic environment can eventually lead to enamel erosion and translucent teeth. That’s can lead to the semi-transparent teeth. If you always have acidic food or drink, like citric fruits and soft drinks, your teeth is easier to be worn off. Acidic food and drinks: Compared to acidic environment, the alkaline one is better for healthy teeth. In this case, the enamel can get easily eroded, and then show the appearance of translucent teeth. Enamel hypoplasia can be found both in primary and permanent teeth. The enamel is defective while growing, thus becoming thin and weak. Enamel hypoplasia: This condition is normally genetic. And if the enamel erosion continues, your teeth will suffer from pain and sensitivity while having hot or cold drink. If the enamel starts to wear away, you will notice the edge of your teeth is becoming bluish, pale and sometimes see-through. That’s a sign of translucent teeth, which is caused by the enamel erosion. The inner layer of tooth structure is dentin, pale yellow in color, is a major component of the tooth. It is a thin, semi-transparent layer that fully covers the tooth up till the edge. The tooth’s outer layer is called enamel. What A re Symptoms of T ranslucent T eeth? In this article, we help you understand why you have such teeth, suggest the available treatment options and how you can prevent it.

teeth becoming see through

If you notice the edges of your teeth becoming see-through, or the color of your teeth corners is fading away, then you might be experiencing something called translucent teeth.

Teeth becoming see through